mercredi 6 avril 2016

DR Congolese society looking Conservation By Martine Mbingila Mukoko

DR Congolese society regarding Conservation 
DR Congo is a country with a huge area containing more than 26 provinces and has a natural wealth (natural resource). Expose so much wealth the Congolese population is considered among the population of Africa's poorest.
To secure our future Congolese people should be turned to conservation of its natural resources, but it has no interest for the conservation of the ecosystems or the animal population which is largely its food chain. Appear before the facts being caused by the political conflict taking to the disappearance of animals and consumption of bushmeat.Our future looks to the seaThe sea is very important as a resource provider for man. It has international importance of commercial fisheries, particularly along the Atlantic coast which provide not only food but also recipes and many jobs.Heaven has blessed the DR Congo by the Congo RiverThe Congo River is the seventh longest river in the world and its watershed drains nearly 4 million square kilometer land .In second only to the Amazon River in South America.The massive freshwater output in the Atlantic Ocean.

Tropical forests are the richest environments on Earth's surface of the earth, providing ideal conditions for the wide range of plants and animals in the habit of their wet depths. The rainforest in Africa is not as rich in species as those in South America and Southeast Asia, but nevertheless the diversity is impressive.Factors benefits in the equatorial forest life in these equatorial greenhouses is powered by two major climatic factors:1. Heavy rains and the year.2. And the high temperatures that show little fluctuation, the day from the night or month to month.Forests play a vital role in maintaining water and nuaient cycles and soil stability, and act as a major source of biodiversity.
The conservation of the DRC today
 Conservation in DRC is deteriorating day by day, with the political conflict. DRC needs to resolve the longstanding issue of land use and diet. It will be a long and difficult process, but, as has been it can be done if a genuine effort is invested.Environmentalists should contribute to this process instead of focusing only on the request of the protected areas. Land tenure in the DRC has been given to different tribes across the common tenure that the tribes had a common space that was used by the various members of the tribe. We realized that conservation, even in situations where it was supported by the government, could not be implemented without the support and participation of rural people. The conflict of interest between rural populations and conservation must be addressed for the conservation become sustainable.
Successful conservation depends on the extent to which the ecological needs are balanced with socio-economic needs. The objective should be to establish a symbiotic relationship between man and nature. Showing parks as ecosystems of natural resources, rather than havens for wildlife and tourists a world sang, would at least be a start. In addition, some form of compensation should go to local people for the compromises they make about how they use the land.

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